Rick is seeing a ghost (Lori his dead wife). The group is clueless on how walkers are getting into the prison. Glenn is seeking revenge on the governor but Hershel is trying to talk some sense into him. Everyone is still in the prison trying to get ready for an attack by the governor, but don’t know what move to make next. Glenn and Maggie are in conflict about what happened in Woodbury and Glenn makes it about him. Maggie tells Glenn that the Governor did not rape her and she only did what she had to do to keep Glenn from being beaten to death by the governor’s men < episode 1. Maggie pushes Glenn away . Glenn takes off in a rage .
Meanwhile, in the woods Daryl and Merle start having words and Daryl helps out a family with a baby being attacked by walkers. Merle tries to steal food from the family and Daryl points his crossbow at him and says let them go. Daryl and Merle head off and have more words and at that point he realizes he belongs back at the prison with Rick .
Hershel showing concern for rick, is asking rick to come back and rest and get himself together, Rick refused . Moments later there is gun fire. It’s the governor and his men attacking the prison catching Karl and the others off guard. Then a strange truck blasts through the prison gates and releases walkers into the prison yard. The unknown driver gets out of the truck and runs off. As if things were not bad enough, Rick finds himself with no more bullets and he’s fighting off two walkers. Just when you think he’s done for, an arrow goes through the back of the walkers head .. Daryl and Merle came to the rescue. everyone just stands there in shock and disbelief over what had just taken place. The walkers, the unknown truck, who was the driver, and where did he run off to?
What was shocking to you?
Mark Chiaramonte is a hard core drummer for over 30 years has been on the touring scene for over 25 years. The past seven years he’s been passing his talent down to his students in West Haven, CT. This horror loving rocker puts his family first and can cook his ass off. As co-host of The G Spot he sometimes will let his softer side slip. You can catch Mark on Twitter @MarkChiaramonte

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