A little over one year ago I began the biggest transformation of my whole life. I joined kickboxing, changed all of my eating habits, changed a lot of my life habits, focused on my mental health, dropped 50 lbs, and haven’t looked back since.
Now as much as all of that sounds like a complete 180, one thing hasn’t changed, my love of food. Throughout my changes I wanted to make sure that I kept a balanced life that wasn’t overly restrictive, but still was aware of my intake to keep myself healthy and my body strong. Sweets have always been a weakness of mine, and I looked for alternatives for sweets for a long time because I don’t like to just have one small bite, but that usually comes with a hefty amount of sugar, which in turn makes me not feel well.
- I have partnered with The Brand Connection and DOLCIA® PRIMA Allulose to bring you this post, all opinions are my own.
Ice cream has always been my favorite sweet dessert, especially in the summer… the second the weather warms up it is like I can hear it calling to me. In all honesty I thought I would have to give up ice cream, most of them started to upset my stomach and the calorie and sugar intake was just too much for what I was trying to stick to except for a special occasion here and there… until I had the opportunity to try Sweetie Ice Cream.
This ice cream uses DOLCIA PRIMA® Allulose, a non-artificial sweetening ingredient that has no weird aftertaste like some other sweeteners, and provides all the taste, texture, and functionality of sugar – with 90% less calories! I looked for sugar alternatives for a while because, while I don’t mind sugar intake in general, when it comes to food with higher sugar content like sweets, it can add up fast.
Some background for those who have never heard of Allulose… because I haven’t before trying this. It is a rare sugar that’s found in small quantities in fruits like figs or raisins. The makers of DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose, Tate & Lyle, developed a proprietary process to produce Allulose on a commercial scale and into these yummy ice creams and other foods! A huge benefit I learned too is that it does not significantly raise blood glucose or insulin levels and has been deemed GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA, making it a healthy alternative to use in place of sugar– Love me a good fun fact!
I tried six different flavors of Sweetie Ice Cream with DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose with the little one, and the jury was out, this was our new favorite treat. She loved the Vanilla and Mango Passion Fruit the most, while I am a huge fan of the Coffee and Chocolate flavors, but they all were so delicious. AND! Unlike a lot of other low-calorie ice creams, they didn’t have that icy consistency which for a strict ice cream lover like me can be a deal breaker.
If you’re someone who tracks macros, there is also a handy way to work this into your daily intake which is even better! Since Allulose counts as a carb, DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose provides a carb counter to help you calculate the total number of carbohydrates in your favorite foods made with DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose. You can learn more and find the calculator here: https://allulose.tateandlyle.com/calculator
So don’t let calories and sugar stop you from enjoying delicious sweet treats! I eat something sweet every. single. day. Be kind to yourself and enjoy some ice cream!
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