We are all looking for ways to stay younger for longer. We take different routes towards this goal. Some people swear by anti aging cream that you have to use before you actually start to see the development of age signs like wrinkles. Other people, swear by the right diet because they think that by eating the correct food they can keep their body younger for longer. And, many more decide that stress is the true cause of age. When we get stressed our bodies age more rapidly because they can’t handle the pressure. So, these people do their best to remain calm keeping stress levels at a minimum. But who is right? That’s a fantastic question that we are going to answer today. On this article, you’re going to learn the truth of how to turn back the hands of time.
We’re not going to base this on hearsay or old wives tales. Instead, we’re going to focus on scientific research that will help keep your body looking young.
Let’s start by thinking about exercise.
A Little Exercise Each Day
Yes, you do want to make sure that you are exercising regularly if you are intent on keeping your body looking young and full of vigor. Research shows that exercise actually helps slow the age of cells in your body. Now, that is certainly going to play it’s part in reducing the signs of age on your body such as wrinkles. But it’s going to have another effect as well. If this reduces the aging of cells, it’s going to help you avoid the issues that come with age that go beyond the way you look. You might not experience quite as many aches and pains in your muscles and joints. You might also be able to avoid the issues with mental problems too but that’s another story and one that is very much still questionable.
It’s important that when you do start increasing the level of exercise in your lifestyle, you choose the right activities. You don’t to complete exercise that is too strenuous as this will put more pressure on your body, Instead, you should focus on things that are more gentle but still have an effect. For instance, rather than running long distance or sprinting you should consider speed walking. This puts less pressure on the joints in your legs and as such is a far safer form of exercise. Weight lifting can be beneficial as it building up your strength. You just need to be careful that you do not lift more than your body can handle. Despite popular belief, it shouldn’t hurt the next morning.
Looking After Your Skin
There are a variety of ways that you can look after your skin and ensure that it looks younger for longer. To do this, we need to think about the causes of aging skin. Aging skin is often caused by dead skin cells building up and not being scrubbed away as they should be. If left, these older cells grow on your face leading to increased signs of aging due to wrinkles or even blemishes. To avoid this, you need to make sure that you are getting rid of these old skin cells. There are lots of ways to do this such as laser treatment. However, the best and simplest option would be to wash them away using a product like goat milk soap. High in natural vitamins, this soap is just what you need to eliminate these skin cells from your body letting new fresh cells form. In doing so, your skin is going to look smoother, clearer and perhaps most important of all, younger.
Of course, this isn’t the only way that you can alter the aging process of your skin. You might also want to think about sun damage. Damage from the sun can result in the deterioration of your skin. It can cause blemishes too appear and give your skin a leathery texture. There is also the risk of skin cancer to be aware of. As such, it is never in your best interest to spend long hours tanning on a lazy day. It might give your skin a nice colour in the short term but in the long term it’s doing serious damage.
The final problem that could damage your skin is makeup. Makeup is packed full of artificial substances that play havoc with the natural makeup of your skin. It can clog pores, cause weird reactions and enhance issues with skin such as acne. That’s why you should be aiming to use makeup that is only made of natural substances. By doing this, you should be able to avoid some of the major problems and keep your skin clear and beautiful.
Watch Your Diet
Your diet will age your body if you are not careful. When you’re young, you can eat whatever you want, but as you get older things change. Your body won’t bounce back quiet as quickly if you consume fast food and you will almost certainly struggle to drop those pounds, even if you are exercising. A lot of people think to stay young, it’s best to be as slim as possible. In actual fact, you want to keep your body at an average weight. That way, you won’t start to look haggard as you age and will look younger. This is no doubt exactly what you want.
You also want to make sure that you are consuming food that is packed full of antioxidants. If you’re wondering what antioxidants are they are essential, little vitamin soldiers fighting against issues in your body caused by oxygenation of cells. This issue has been linked to everything from chronic pain to dementia by researchers. Antioxidants can be found in a wide range of natural foods. However, if you’re in any doubt, just make sure that you are getting your five fruit and vegetables a day. For instance, blue-berries are a great source of antioxidants and they have also been shown to decrease the signs of aging on the skin.
De-Stress Your Day
Those people who believe that stress ages you are absolutely right. Stress does have a physical impact on the body. It changes how we look, how we feel and even who we are. Stress has even been linked as a cause to several forms of cancer. On the surface though, there are a variety of ways that stress can age you. It can cause your skin to look greasy and your hair to thin. It can cause your body to bloat and may even lead to blemishes developing on your body. You see stress impacts the levels of hormones in your body and hormone levels change your appearance.
As such, if you want to keep your youth for longer, you do need to reduce levels of stress in your live. A great way to do this is through mindfulness and meditation. Meditation has actually been shown to create and establish new pathways in the brain. People who meditate actually think more clearly and therefore are able to solve issues without getting stressed.
As you can see then, there are many ways to reduce the signs of aging, and it’s all based on science. The fact is there’s no scientific evidence that products like anti-aging creams actually work. But if you start looking at actual studies, you can see the ways to stay young and turn back those hands of time. You can feel young again, even when you look in the mirror.

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