Ask ten people what comes to mind when they think of Italy, and you could easily get ten different answers.
- Soccer
- Fashion
- Art
- Sports cars
- Cathedrals
- Wine
- Architecture
- Romeo And Juliet
- Opera
And if one of the ten doesn’t mention food, you’ve got an anomalous group right there.
Because, if you asked a hundred people, the answer that would come up perhaps most often is the incredible culinary impact of Italy.
Everyone knows a few dishes at least that owe their existence to the people of Italy. But it should go without saying that there is more to this country than pizza and lasagne.
It’s endearing, in fact, that if you speak to an Italian in any city, they’ll tell you how great the food is in another town. Because each city in Italy has its own culinary crown jewel. If you’re heading there on holiday, it makes sense to eat like the locals.
Bologna: Spaghetti Bolognese
Of course. Along with those mentioned above, the signature dish of Bologna is one of the world’s most popular Italian dishes. If you’re visiting Bologna, you really must see the incredible array of religious buildings. The San Petronio Basilica is a particular highlight. And then, yes, you should certainly sample this classic dish the way it was intended.
Any of the small cafes off the Piazza Maggiore is a place worth starting – but the truth is, it’s great in any restaurant.
Venice: Risi e Bisi
After the short jaunt from Treviso airport to Venice, you’re liable to be hungry. So before you hit the narrow streets and hop on a river taxi, you’d be well advised to dine in a local restaurant. Literally translated, this local dish is “Rice and Peas”. It may sound fairly basic, but what makes it so much better is the way it’s cooked. Think of it as a risotto, usually served with chunks of pancetta.
Trust us; you’ll be back for more – the next day or before.
Naples: Calzone
Ben from Parks & Recreation would be all over this.
The saying goes “see Naples and die,” which sounds confrontational. Fortunately, the actual meaning of the phrase is a lot nicer. It’s that when you have seen this astounding city, nothing else can compare – and after a day looking around its palaces and museums you’ll agree. You’re also likely to be ready to eat, and Naples has you covered.
“Covered” is, in fact, an apt term given the city’s unique twist on the pizza. Rather than baking it flat and open as we’re used to, the Neapolitan way is to top the pizza base as normal, and then fold it over. The topping becomes a filling and can include an egg cracked onto the pizza and baked inside. The choice is yours, but when baked right this dish is always light and flavorful.

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