OK, so there are very few of us left that have never taken a selfie. But it looks like there are two types of people in this world. Those ones that can rock the duck face and always get their angles and makeup on point. Then there are the rest of us. The ones that tend to slick on a bit of lipstick and squint and grimace at the camera and hope for the best. If you are in the latter category, but you are keen on moving on up into the former, then read on for the ultimate guide to getting a social media ready face.
Whether you’re a smiler or more of a pouter, the first step on your quest for social media readiness should be to get your teeth sorted. Whiteness is important, as dirty teeth are not the look you want. So keep up to date with brushing and your regular scale and polishes at the dentist.
Also, don’t be afraid to get a teeth whitening treatment. You can get these done at your local dental clinic or buy kits to perform them in your own home. But if you do your own at home, make sure that you don’t leave it on for too long and end up like Ross from Friends!
Keeping your teeth whiter is a lot easier than to deal with than any straightening issues that you might have. Previously people have been put off cosmetic dentistry because of the pain involved and the ugly appearance of train track braces. Happily, there are now invisible braces that you can buy making the whole process a lot easier.
Getting you face to look the best possible for social media images can be made easier if you get to grips with types of facial shapes and dimensions. The most beautiful faces are ones that have symmetry, and all the features are in proportion.
But what can you do if you have a larger forehead or longer nose? Well, you can try some contouring. Which involves applying a darker shadow to the place that you want to minimize.
Or if you are particularly concerned by a feature that is not balanced with the rest your face you can consider something like nose surgery. Which offer a more permanent solution to the problem.
No matter how great you look, if you don’t get the right angles, then your social media photos are not going to come out great. Your angles are the best position that you head should be in to make you look the best in pictures. For example, some folks may prefer having their photos taken from the right side rather than the left because they feel that this angle is better.
A good rule of thumb for selfies is that you tilt the camera towards your face and hold it up, so the bottom of your phone is even with your forehead. You might have to wiggle around a bit to get it perfect, but it will be a good start to any selfie taking if you follow those rules.

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