Menopause sucks! Our moms do not share the extreme changes that will happen when we start peri-menopause. I still remember my aunts and grandmother sitting at family functions with a fan or paper plates, fanning themselves, sometimes fanning so fast I was sure they were going to take off in flight. I would hear all the women talk about hot flashes and how they didn’t have their period in (insert years here).
I was always cold so hot flashes would be a treat for me and no period! YeeHaw! Bring on the menopause! I would have to wait a long time though because you’re old when all this happens!
Boy was I surprised that hot flashes were just a drop in the bucket on the road to menopause.
Hot Flashes
They start mild, usually in the middle of the night. You’ll shrug it off as the heat was too high or you had too many blankets on. They then start increasing in number of times and increase in heat index. It now feels like you’re slowly getting dipped into a volcano. Some sweat so bad, sheets need to be changed in the middle of the night. There are some things that can make them worse, like stress. They come on so quickly during the night that my husband receives the wrath of the sheets being whipped up and away from me. I search every inch of the sheets for a cool spot and often keep an extra pillow on the side of the bed to put its coolness against my body.
Tip: Evening Primrose has worked for many to conquer the hot flashes. You can also look into supplements.
Mood Swings
As if hot flashes aren’t enough, there are mood swings. You’ll be fully aware of your mood going from happy as can be to sobbing like a child or wanting to rip someone’s head off. Once you realize this is happening, you’re almost afraid to talk to anyone for fear you’ll scare them away forever.
Tip: Focus, find a spot to go to be alone for a few minutes. It will pass. If I can’t escape, I find a focal point, breathe, and work through it.
So you used to be a good sleeper. Maybe you slept 7-8 hours on a regular schedule and went about your day. Plan on waking during the night for no reason and being wide awake. I get to enjoy waking all hours of the night or being so tired that I sleep 10 hours straight. Either way my day is disrupted from consistency.
Tip: Try something natural like melatonin to have a good night’s sleep.
My anxiety has gone through the roof. I call it “swooshes” that come over me. You will be sitting there with friends and all of a sudden you get that feeling where you want to crawl in a hole, not talk to anyone, and be by yourself. This too shall pass and you need to find ways to work through it. If you normally have anxiety, you may want to talk to your doctor or my favorite is CBD.
Weight Gain
I have been thin my whole life. I wouldn’t say I was majorly over weight but I have 10-15 pounds that won’t budge. Be very mindful and understand that menopause weight is much harder to lose than baby weight. Remember you’re much older now. I will say that I was faithfully going to Branford Fit Body Boot Camp and I was starting to see results and then COVID hit. I haven’t got back in my routine but I’m trying too. It also matters with everything you eat….. now more than ever!
Tip: Exercise regularly, eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, drink lots of water.
Loss of Elasticity
Your body stops making collagen and we lose fat under our skin which in turn causes sagging in our face and other places. This causes wrinkles around the eyes, cheeks and jawline. You will find other parts of your body sagging also. It seems everyone concentrates on the face but it ALL changes.
There are many different products for the face and skin that claim to help slow the process. I will say when you try something, use it for at least 30 days to gauge of there is really a difference. I’m also not shy about going to get Restylane! The last time I had my injection I was extremely happy.
There are many other symptoms that are not talked about but friends have told me they are experiencing them.
Headaches, discharge, and chills are among them.
Although all these symptoms suck, I’m a true believer that we are on a constant journey in life. Each stage has its issues that we have to learn how to cope and combat. Find what works for you and talk to others, the more we know and learn, the more we will be able to navigate it together. Find the bright side.
Oh and keep the weed distributor and plastic surgeon on speed dial!
We got this!