This time of year after the holidays many people are looking to get back into shape. In fact, getting rid of that excess fat once and for all is a common new year’s resolution. It can be a challenge to tackle those stubborn areas, however. There are a few ways you can work on it, whether it’s tracking your diet, changing a couple of habits, or trying a new exercise regime. There are also effective treatments available that are non-invasive, that will help you shed the excess weight. Here are five quick tips.
Cut down on sugar
Sugar is often the culprit of weight gain, particularly in the abdomen. Try reducing your sugar intake and cut down on those sugary foods and drinks. There are plenty of healthy sugar alternatives that add sweetness without guilt. These include agave nectar, coconut sugar, and honey. It’s also worth checking the labels on products for high levels of refined sugar, and trying to avoid these.
Eat more protein and fiber
Instead of a high sugar or carbohydrate diet, try eating more protein and fiber-rich foods. Protein helps to keep you full for longer and boost your metabolism. Fiber also promotes healthy digestion and aids with weight loss. It’s important to get a balanced diet of course so it’s also a good idea to track what you’re eating and make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need.
Strengthening exercises
Try toning those stubborn areas with strengthening exercises. These will also improve balance, flexibility and mobility. The best thing is you can do these types of exercises at home, without any equipment. Here are some of the best workouts to burn fat and strengthen your core, for example.
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise is also essential if you want to burn off a little excess weight. Walking, running, or swimming are effective, or you could try an online dance class or HIIT workout. If you’re getting bored of your current workout routine, why not try something new? Check out this fitness guide for inspiration and ideas. There are plenty of cardio workouts you can do at home as well, so don’t worry if you don’t feel like going out running in the cold weather.
Effective treatments
There are also effective treatments for the removal of excess fat, which are non-invasive, so don’t involve surgery. One option is coolsculpting. It works by freezing the fat cells which reduces them over time. It’s ideal for those who can’t get rid of the excess in certain stubborn areas, even though they’ve reached their goal weight with diet and exercise. If you would like to know more, find out how much does CoolSculpting cost? Always speak to your doctor for advice and recommendations on which treatment is best for you.
Getting rid of excess weight can be challenging, but with a little patience and a healthier routine, you can achieve your goals. Always remember to rest well and practice self-care as well, for both your physical and mental wellbeing.