DIY Fire Pit Area
Fire pit’s are all the rage this summer and building your own DIY Fire Pit Area is an added bonus! Now the next question is how to build a DIY Fire Pit area in an affordable way?
Cost of DIY Fire Pit Area:
Concerned about the cost of a DIY fire pit area – don’t be? There are options – here’s how I built my fire pit using re-purposed materials and $20. When I bought my house, the previous homeowner had created a flower garden out of cinder blocks behind the house. They had also created a small planter in the middle of the back yard using landscaping blocks. When I moved in I removed all blocks from both and removed one of the planters. Of course I didn’t want to throw away the old blocks so I stacked them beside the house and they sat there for years. When I decided I wanted a fire pit, I knew I didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to purchase one. I also wanted a larger outdoor fire pit area (we have large parties in the summer and love sitting by the fire). So I surveyed the materials that I had on hand. This is what I decided on, Cinder blocks for the foundation, cement landscape edging for the walls, landscape blocks for the corners and old stamped bricks to finish it off. All the materials were either with the house when I bought it or ones that I had previously purchased and were no longer using.
How to Create the Fire Pit:
1.) I began by digging a small trench for the cinder blocks to sit in and leveled/squared them off.
2.) I used the cement landscape edging to create the walls, using landscape adhesive to hold them in place. You can find it at your local home improvement store.
3.) I used the landscape blocks for the corners.
4.) I then used cement blocks as a wall cap.
5.) Last I mixed a bucket of cement to ensure the walls and corners were all connected and stable.
I completed the fire pit area with some red stamped bricks that I had laying in the backyard. They served as a border to hide the tops of the cinder blocks. In the end I bought 3 tubes of landscape adhesive and one bag of cement (of which I only used a small amount of). Total money spent was less than $20! This project took me about four hours to complete, including around an hour of cleaning my old moss covered blocks.
Have you built something with re-purposed materials? What was it?
The next step in creating this amazing area is to enjoy your summer and serve up some cold drinks.
What are your thoughts on creating a Fire Pit Area? Is this something you have done or plan on doing?

Great job! I pinned it. Now where are the smores?
Thanks! Sorry, I already ate the smores! Don’t worry though we can make more!
WOW thats a great BIG PIT!! I might try it on a smaller scale our yard cannot accomidate such a beast! =)
The best part is that most people have the materials just laying in their yard somewhere! Go for it, you can definitely do it!
do u know how to make one that its not touch the ground my landlord funny about fire pit
Thanks so much for sharing your tutorial. Your fire pit looks great and im having a hard time deciding on what I wvantm. It’s between the concrete path, firepit and the DIY rotessorie / grill. Way too much to choose from but im wondering if I can use the firepit to cook . Justin would you have any thoughts or modifications on this matter.
Thank you
You can cook on a firepit but you would need a grate to put the food on and depending on the flavor you want for the food, you can get different wood to burn or charcoal. Remember never to burn pressure treated wood!!! We toast marshmallows and roast hot dogs all the time! Let us know when you build it and send pictures!!! Tweet us @JKBeamer and @RachelFerrucci
I’m building a outdoor kitchen with all recycled materials. So far deck, grill area wood fire pit. Now working on gas pit with old car rim, burner out of old grill and glass that came out of a prison in ga.
Sounds awesome- Send pics or tweet me when you’re done @RachelFerrucci